Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

Lima's Wardrobe If you follow my blog long enough, you know that I have a crazy obsession with boyfriend jeans. They are my absolute favourite thing right now

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posted 9 years ago, on


If you follow my blog long enough, you know that I have a crazy obsession with boyfriend jeans. They are my absolute favourite thing right now. Not only because they're comfortable but also because they are super stylish and easy to wear with everything. So when I came across this Gaelle Paris jeans it was love at first sight! I mean, come on how cool is this pants? The combination of a white tee or shirt with slouchy ripped jeans is my favourite everyday ensemble. I could literally wear this all the time. I wore this outfit a few days ago, when I was running around town. I combined the jeans with an Essentiel tee from the 'Alice in Wonderland' collection and my infamous Stella wedges. As for the accessories, I chose for a pair of Céline sunnies and my Chanel boyfriend bag (Of course!) ;) I hope you like the pictures and you’re all having a great week so far!

Si vous suivez mon blog depuis longtemps, vous devriez savoir que j'adore les jeans boyfriend. Ils sont super comfortable et aussi facile à porter avec tout. Quand j'ai vue celui-ci de Gaelle Paris c'était le coup de foudre! La combinaison tee-shirt blanc ou chemise blanche avec un jeans déchiré est mon look du jour préféré. Je pourrais le porter tous les jours. Cette fois-ci j'ai donc combiné mon pantalon avec un tee-shirt Essentiel de la collection 'Alice aux pays des merveilles', une paire de lunettes de soleil Céline, mon boyfriend Chanel (bien sûr ;)) et mes Stella's! J'espère que cela vous inspire un peu. Bonne journée!

Se mi seguite da un po' di tempo, sapete benissimo che ho un debole per i jeans modello boyfriend, non solo perché sono comodissimi, ma anche perché sono molto stilosi e stanno bene praticamente con tutto. Quando ho visto questi jeans di Gaelle Paris... è stato un colpo di fulmine! In queste foto, li ho abbinati a una t-shirt fermata Essentiel, della collezione di 'Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie'. A completare il look, le scarpe di Stella e un paio di occhiali Céline. Spero che vi piaccia questo spunto outfit. Un bacio enorme e a presto, Lima -x-






Pants: GAELLE PARIS here - Tee: ESSENTIEL here - Shoes: STELLA MCCARTNEY - Bag: CHANEL - Cardigan: ZARA - Sunglasses: CELINE by SUNGLASSAVENUE here.


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Elke

Reply Elke on 29 December 2015:

❤ this outfit!!! Gorgeous!!! ????

Gravatar Nena

Reply Nena on 29 December 2015:

Big yay voor die schoenen!


Reply 01 January 2016:

What a stunning outfit. Adore those shoes omg :D

Gravatar TrueMyFashionWardrobe

Reply TrueMyFashionWardrobe on 01 January 2016:

Hi Gurl
Just came across ure blog and I really LUV IT!
Such an inspiring blog u have.

Gravatar SALYHA

Reply SALYHA on 01 January 2016:

T'es canon Lima. J'adore ce look trop trop!

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