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posted 9 years ago, on


With the new year upon us lots of people like to set resolutions for the upcoming year. You might think a higher-paying job, a better relationship, a fancier car etc. will make you happier but I believe that happiness comes from within. If you feel good in your body you will also reflect it on the outside. The festivities are over and I don't know about you but those celebrations always add a few pounds on my scale! So this New Year my resolution is all about eating healthy and taking care of my body. Therefore I went to Urban Tri Sport my favourite sports store to get myself some outfits to get in shape. I also made a subscription at fitness Aspria Royal La Rasante.

The most important resolution is to work on my food routine! I made some research and came across Weight Watchers (here) which is known as the diet plan that really works. Their new program for this year is called Beyond the Scale TM. Basically, there are 3 pillars to the program which are food, fit and feel. First, I will be eating what Weight Watchers has trademarked as SmartPointsTM and with activity I will earn what Weight Watchers is calling FitPointsTM. The amount of SmartPoints you are given (both daily and weekly) is based upon a personalized lifestyle assessment.

Then next are the FitPoints. Moving promotes energy and makes you feel good in general. Weight Watchers completed the Get Fit website with tips and instructional videos to support and guide us during this process. The third topic of the program is apparently based on feeling good. Scientists demonstrated that happy people make healthy choices. It includes a new app that allows people from the community to support each other and also new courses with a personalized target. Isn't that great? I have to say that I'm so motivated to start and like always I will keep you posted about the results ;)

Pictures by the amazing and talentend photographer Michel Gronemberger. Always a pleasure to work with you! ;)









More about Weight Watchers here

All outfits by Urban Tri Sport here

Location: Aspria Royal La Rasante here

Pictures by Michel Gronemberger here


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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Facebook Comments


Reply 11 January 2016:

You are so stylish at the gym too! ;) Always the right look, babe!

Gravatar Elke

Reply Elke on 11 January 2016:

Prachtige foto's. Zelfs al sportend zie je er geweldig uit ????Interessant artikel over Weight Watchers. Ben benieuwd ????

Gravatar Giovanna

Reply Giovanna on 11 January 2016:

Lovely outfit


Reply 11 January 2016:

Superbe!! Merci du conseille


Reply 11 January 2016:

Mes résolution 2016 étaient de reprendre une activité sportive mais malheureusement je souffre de trouble de fainéantise. Et en voyant ton post, tu m as secoué un petit peu donc merci pour le réveille.

Gravatar Michel

Reply Michel on 11 January 2016:

C'est aussi, toujours un plaisir de travailler avec toi ;-) A bientôt!


Reply 11 January 2016:

Trop beaux tes tenues et séduite du régime proposé.

Gravatar Alina Befu

Reply Alina Befu on 11 January 2016:

I love all your outfits, especially that black jacket! I think for a diet plan like Weight Watchers you need to have time for it. How does it work for it?

Gravatar Yaya

Reply Yaya on 14 January 2016:

Your shoes and gym outfits are PERFECT!

Gravatar Andrea

Reply Andrea on 16 January 2016:

You don't need to workout to get fit. Ciao bella! :)

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