Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

Lima's Wardrobe Hi Ladies! I hope you are all having a great week! Do you ever feel like you have a split personality when it comes to style? Because I certainly do

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posted 9 years ago, on


Hi Ladies! I hope you are all having a great week! Do you ever feel like you have a split personality when it comes to style? Because I certainly do. One side favors are very pretty, girly pieces like fit-and-flare dresses, full midi skirts and lace and the other side is all about ease, comfort and simplicity. Funny thing is, I really never know which personality is going to show up until I wake up in the morning and suddenly get an urge to wear my most comfortable pair of jeans. Lately I am definitely having a denim moment! So today's outfit turned out to be a denim-on-denim look. Combined with a patchwork scarf by DELEYE, my new UGG sneakers and my cool DELVAUX pastel bag. This is definitely something I could wear very often cuz it's comfy, casual and stylish. And it's probably the kind of look I was craving for during PFW haha ;) I really hope you like it. Have a good day -x-

Hello les filles! J'espère que vous passez toutes une excellente semaine! Avez-vous aussi l'impression d'avoir une double personnalité quand il s'agit de style? Il y a des jours où j'ai envie d'être très girly, féminine, et d'autres où je n'ai qu'une envie et c'est d'être relax, cool et simple? Je ne sais jamais à l'avance ce que je vais mettre. Tout dépend de mon humeur le matin haha. ;) Du coup aujourd'hui je vous retrouve pour une nouvelle tenue assez sportswear. J'ai opté pour un total denim look combiné avec une écharpe patchwork de chez DELEYE, mes nouvelles baskets UGG en mon nouveau sac DELVAUX en couleur pastel. N'est-il pas canon? Ceci est certainement le genre de tenue que je pourrais porter très souvent car c'est tellement confortable. En espérant que cela vous plaise quand meme un peu ;) bisous -x-

Buongiorno ragazze. Spero che la vostra settimana stia andando alla grande! Parlando di stile e moda, non vi viene mai il dubbio di avere una doppia personalità? Io ne sono convinta. Da una parte mi piacciono capi carini e molto femminili, come abitini aderenti, gonne, colori pastello e pizzo. Ma allo stesso tempo, un'altra parte di me adora tutto ciò che è semplice e comodo. E la cosa divertente è che scopro quale di questi due lati della personalità avrà la meglio solo la mattina, quando appena sveglia vado verso l'armadio per vestirmi! Ultimamente ho un debole per il jeans, e infatti l'outfit che vi mostro in queste foto è all'insegna del denim. Oltre a pantaloni e giacca di jeans, ho indossato una sciarpa patchwork di DELEYE, le nuove snearker firmate UGG e la mia bellissima borsa color pastello di DELVAUX. Potrei vestirmi così tutti i giorni, perché è un look comodo, casual e comunque molto stiloso! Che ne pensate? Un abbraccio e a presto!







Jacket: VILA by DELEYE - Scarf: LEEANDME by DELEYE - Jeans: ZARA - Sneakers: UGG - Rings: NEW LOOK - Bag: DELVAUX - Watch: GUESS - Sweater: UNIQLO.

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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Marie Roberty

Reply Marie Roberty on 13 March 2016:

Je suis totalement d'accord avec toi! Notre style dépend de notre humeur, du temps et de nos dernières trouvailles shopping ☺️. Superbe sac !!!

Gravatar Elke Meirlaen

Reply Elke Meirlaen on 14 March 2016:

Moi j'adore les vêtements confortables comme ton ensemble. Magnifique! J'aime beaucoup l'écharpe aussi ????????❤????


Reply 15 March 2016:

J'aime beaucoup et j'adore ton écharpe..

Gravatar Sofie Cruz

Reply Sofie Cruz on 15 March 2016:

Magnifique lima! Super ce look en jeans. j'adhère complètement!! gros bisous x


Reply 15 March 2016:

Heel mooie look.
Die handtas is de max :D

Liefs, Lorre van Refashion

Gravatar Eni

Reply Eni on 15 March 2016:
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